Please correct a busted call

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  • #6480
    Steve (N1TYH)

    Can you correct the following QSO for N5PHT?

    It was incorrectly listed as a QSO between WB33WAV at Park KFF-1561 and N5PHT at KFF-1114.

    WB3WAV needs to be corrected to KB3WAV. KB3WAV is the correct call sign for the other station.

    Steve, N1TYH


    Will I be notified if and when this gets corrected? I don’t know how this works.

    Nobi JA1JCF

    I am the JA coordinator and aware that I am not in a position to say something here, but I would rather prepare a separate log file containing one correct QSO with KB3WAV and upload it, in this case. I think there is no WB33WAV staion and this uploading will cause any serious problem.
    The number of contacts by N5PHT will be one more than real number until the wrong log data is deleted, but no problem either.
    Pit, YO3JW, the WWFF Award Manager and the YOFF coordiantor, suggested similar ways to get minor errors corrected promptly in the informal Skype meeting of the WWFF committee yesterday.
    73/44. Nobi, JA1JCF

    Steve (N1TYH)

    Hello Nobi,
    I sent an e-mail to Andrew asking if this is how we should do it moving forward. We have actually suggested this in the past and were told to upload corrections to the Helpdesk forum here. It would be much quicker for me to upload a file. So, we’ll wait to see what Andrew says.
    73 & 44,
    Steve, N1TYH

    Nobi JA1JCF

    Hello Steve,
    Thank you for a reply. I undaerstand.
    Nobi, JA1JCF

    Andrew M0YMA

    This has been fixed.

    PS: Please *DO NOT* upload a further log to “correct” a call – it won’t… it’s fine to upload MISSED QSOs, of course

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