Proposal – List Park's First & Last Activators

World Wide Flora & Fauna in Amateur Radio Forums National Programs & Awards Proposal – List Park's First & Last Activators

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  • #9656
    Steve (N1TYH)

    I upload logs for the KFF portion of WWFF. Activators take great pride when they are the first to activate a park. Right now, the park’s directory page shows the first activation and latest activation dates (within the “Activity Summary” section).

    Would it be possible to add a field to show the first activator and latest activator call signs?

    73 & 44,
    Steve, N1TYH

    Andrew M0YMA

    Hi Steve

    Thanks for the suggestion.

    At the moment, the Directory only shows the DATE of the first and last activations

    Enhancements to this are already on the ToDo list, and your suggestion is one already under consideration.

    Thanks again

    Steve (N1TYH)

    Thanks Andrew.

    73 & 44,
    Steve, N1TYH

    Andrew M0YMA

    To close this, a new section “Activation Details” has been added, listing all activations of the reference (date, activator/operator callsigns, QSOs and number of chasers)

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