Protected areas with same shape, but dufferent directives

World Wide Flora & Fauna in Amateur Radio Forums WWFF HelpDesk Directory Issues Protected areas with same shape, but dufferent directives

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  • #12036
    Ivan LZ2HT

    I have a question about adding new references in case when there are two protected areas with same name, shape and teritory, but they are registered under different Directives. In my case – there are 2 protected areas, named Studenets – Special Protection Area (Birds Directive), LZFF-0115. And today I received proposal from one of LZFF activators to add Studenets – Site od Community Importance (Habitats Directive) as new LZFF reference. Is this correct to do?

    Andrew M0YMA

    If the same area carries multiple designations, then it should only have one WWFF reference ID, with the name or notes explaining the designations.

    In the UK, we have references that are SPA, SAC, RAMSAR, National Nature Reserve and Site of Special Interest… but only one reference ID.

    Ivan LZ2HT

    Thanks Andrew,
    I found information in official site of Bulgarian Environment Agency that LZFF-0115 Studenets is under both Birds and Habitats Directives, so I changed this info in the reference description

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