Request for new awards in LogSearch

World Wide Flora & Fauna in Amateur Radio Forums WWFF HelpDesk Award issues Request for new awards in LogSearch

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  • #9655
    Lars (PH0NO)

    Hello Mr. DevOps,

    Not so much an issue as a request:
    The top chaser award level of PAFF has been surpassed by quite some chasers, so it is about time that I introduce some new levels.
    I have two designs ready: platinum for 100 and diamond for 150 references worked.
    Could these levels be introduced in a future release of LogSearch pse?

    On another but related note: I am going to pre-produce the awards and make them available for download from the PAFF website. Is it at all possible to introduce a custom text in the Logsearch award request confirmation? I assume it is a global text, not linked to a program. In that case I will construct some auto-reply with the download info. Just wondering.

    73, Lars / PH0NO

    Andrew M0YMA

    Hi Lars

    1. Noted. WilCo.
    2. Let me have your requested text, and I will see what can be done.

    Added to Issue Tracker.


    • This reply was modified 5 years, 8 months ago by Andrew M0YMA.
    Lars (PH0NO)

    Man you are fast. Thanks.

    @2: “You can download your award from the PAFF website:”

    If it is too much hassle for just the one program, then let it be.

    73, Lars

    Andrew M0YMA

    I think it’s feasible ๐Ÿ™‚

    Lars (PH0NO)


    Andrew M0YMA


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