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  • #10991

    My activator topscore in TOP LIST : 259/260

    My activator score in Logsearch : 269/270

    1. All my activations are valid ones, not understanding the one ref in difference

    2. Difference TOP operators and Logsearch score ???

    73 44 Danny

    Andrew M0YMA

    Looking at the database, you have ONE QSO from ONFF-0760 ๐Ÿ˜€

    On 2019-09-14


    Why is that one QSO counted seperatly ???? I have a valid ONFF-0740 activation with enough QSO …

    Luk ON4BB

    His second qso, used operator call ON4VT, all the remaining qsos used operator call Ot4V/p.

    2019-09-14 OT4V/P (op: ON4VT) 1 1
    2019-09-14 OT4V/P 161 152

    Top score does not sum up scores primary and other calls in your user profile.



    I really still not understand why in my NATIONAL AWARDS my hunter and activation score is correct and my both calls (ON4VT and OT4V) are merged together (Yes my profile is OK for ages). When going to TOP LIST my hunter scores are much lower. My ACTIVATOTR scores are SPLIT up ON4VT and OT4V ….
    This is not only my problem …. TOP list is not correct for everyone, for ages

    Andrew M0YMA

    Let me say this again: Top Operators simply aggregates the data based on the Operator field… it doesn’t take a guess at any other callsigns used.

    Looking at the database, ON4VT has 256 activations – which is what Top Operators reports. OT4V has 16 activations.

    The onus is on activators to correctly log the callsigns, especially when not using their home-call for an activity.

    If activators cannot fill the log in properly, then it is not my fault that the stats are incorrect?!

    However, I have corrected the 16 activations, to correctly show ON4VT as the operator… this should be reflected in tonight’s update.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 6 months ago by Andrew M0YMA.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 6 months ago by Andrew M0YMA.

    Thanks a lot !

    And what is the reason that the hunters TOP list is not equal to the national awards scores ?

    Andrew M0YMA

    The reason is simple…

    Top Operators groups on each (unique) Operator Callsign for all QSOs.

    The interactive Search builds up the search string for the individual logged in user, and can build complex queries using multiple callsigns.

    Of course, if Operator is correctly specified in logs, secondary calls are not required, and the queries will run faster…

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