Troubles with the Protected Planet WDPA -map

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  • #12438
    Gregor (OE1GOA)

    Hello, something is happening with the WDPA map – I can find the area, but when I click on the area – the map no longer shows the location and borders, but the map of the whole world is shown, and you can’t find the area exactly.

    It’s not my PC because I have the same thing on my smartphone..
    does anyone know what to do or does anyone have another site where you can find the exact boundaries of the areas?????

    VY 73 & 44 !

    Greg, OE1GOA/SP2SCX

    Luk ON4BB

    Hi Greg,
    indeed the WDPA map is no more working.
    You can always download the data and import it in Google earth.
    May be you can find here some information .Go to this link.


    Gregor, the map insert on the area-specific pages of the Protected Planet website (with the WDPA stuff) appears to crash every now and again, resulting in the behavior you explained.

    I have been in contact with UNEP-WCMC who manages the Protected Planet website many times and informed them about the bug. The situation always gets fixed, but it also tends to reoccur, so they appear to have an unresolved bug that resurfaces from time to time.

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