Here are some observations regarding validity. There is no real question imbedded in it, but any explanation would be welcomed, of course.
There are 120 references in the directory that are valid from 31-12-9999.
The status is ’active’ for 28 of them, the rest are ’deleted’.
Taking the ‘active’ FFF-1592 as an example:
In the directory it is ’active’
In the QSOs download it is ’national’
In a reference download it is [Valid for WWFF]
It is not included the GCR (and not counted in my total).
There are 13 ’national’ in the QSO download, but only 4 in the reference download (those 4 are Swedish).
LYFF-0106 and LYFF-0209 are also ’national’ in the QSO download but ’active’ in the directory.
73 … John, OZ4RT
This topic was modified 7 years, 9 months ago by
Andrew M0YMA.