World Amateur Radio Day Award 2017

World Wide Flora & Fauna in Amateur Radio Forums WWFF HelpDesk Award issues World Amateur Radio Day Award 2017

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  • #5821


    I was checking around Logsearch and found that I had forgotten to apply for this award as a Hunter. I qualified with number of contacts and areas worked, and Logsearch shows (9/7) so that all looks OK. However when I click on the WARD-H button to apply nothing happens.

    If someone could take a look and advise I would really appreciate it. Thanks in advance for the help, and thanks for all the work to make WWFF happen.


    Mark VK4SMA

    Andrew M0YMA


    It should say “Apply for …” if you can apply – and it doesn’t appear to work if “All Time” selected.

    Try selecting “2017” for the year and see if that works…

    In the meanwhile, I’ll try and work out why it isn’t working for All-Time… the intent is that you can Apply for the latest year by default.


    Hi Andrew. Selecting 2017 worked and the award application has been submitted. I really should have figured that out myself. Some days the old brain just does not function so well I guess.

    Many thanks for your help.

    Andrew M0YMA


    Now that there are a number of annual awards being added, I plan to have the current year’s active on “All Time” (when I have time)

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