Wrong call in log

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  • #9116
    Peter SM7FSK

    In the log from SE5B (SE5B@SMFF-8399_20181118) one callsign is in error.

    1312 RA3ANF should be RA3ANT


    Manfred Meier

    there is no RA3ANF in the log, only RN3ANF and this was also not at 1312, it was at 1321.
    Is this the right one to change into RA3ANT??
    If I have to make corrections would be really nice to have the correct data, otherwise I have to do everything twice.73

    Peter SM7FSK

    Very sorry for that.
    I’m used to copy from the log, but this time I didn’t.
    Yes, it’s OK to change to RN3ANT. I have worked him myself lots of times,

    Thank for your work.

    73 and 44

    Manfred Meier

    wow, now another change of the call, now you write change to RN3ANT instead of RA3ANT in your original.

    I finally changed into RN3ANT and hope this is correct now, 73

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