Wrong Position?

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  • #11457

    Hi All. I’m a newbie here so don’t want to rock the boat so early. However, I have been looking on the map and in the listings for locations close to me. One of these is Leigh Woods GFF-0062. I believe that this site is misplotted by some distance. I know where Leigh Woods is located as my XYL works at Leigh Court which is on the edge of the woods:-). Am I wrong in assuming that there is not another Leigh Woods within 20 miles, or so, of the one I know?

    73 de Mike – G8NSZ

    Luk ON4BB

    Hi Mike, please contact the Uk coordinator G1UBL, he can change the position in the WWFF directory database and report it to OK2APY Alena.


    Many thanks Luc:-)

    Luk ON4BB

    Hi Mike, please contact the Uk coordinator G1UBL, he can change the position in the WWFF directory database and report it to OK2APY Alena

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