WWFF Directory updating

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  • #2550

    Wondering how to obtain a file containing all the current
    parks in the WWFF program. There are 600 new parks in VK
    and new countries like Moldova. It seems the current directory
    is no longer being maintained.

    The file could be in CSV or PDF so that I can update the
    awards in my logging software (Log4OM). Ideally, this process should
    be automated whenever a new park is added as the logging
    software itself will automatically update. The missing step is
    extracting the information from the WWFF system – it can’t be done
    from the current web interface even though that seems to be frequently updated – thank you!

    Cheers, Gerard – VK2IO

    • This topic was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by Andrew M0YMA.
    Luciano (I5FLN)

    dear Gerard,

    Directory it is mainteined regulary by me daily and released each end of month, last one is of October 2016.

    There are still some features still have to be migrated in this new site by Andrew M0YMA so we have to be patient I feel asap will be all OK.

    73 es 44 Luciano I5FLN


    Hi Luciano,

    Today I was able to download an update from wwffaustralia.
    Thank you for maintaining the directory and making the changes.
    Releasing updates to the national sites while wwff.co is in a state of transition is a good idea.

    I notified the maintainer of Log4OM and hope that the new entries can be added soon.

    73, Gerard – VK2IO

    Luciano (I5FLN)

    Hello Gerard

    glad you could get it and update Logg4OM and if any other question concerning Directory at your disposal wish nice weekend, regards 73 es 44 Luciano I5FLN


    Hi Luciano,

    The update to the WWFF awards in Log4OM has just been released today
    and it is now up-to-date including ERFF (Moldova) and all new VKFF parks (last is VKFF-1764).

    Thanks to all involved for the new release.

    Gerard – VK2IO

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