WWFF logs and LOTW ???

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    I receive a Post writing that our ADIF Logs containing both fields “station_callsign” and “operator” cannot be uploaded to LOTW .
    I do not know the LOTW but this seems very strange to me, being both ADIF fields in the protocol specifications. May please somebody explain this to me? Or is it a mistake or a false notice?
    Did somebody of you reader also uploaded wwff logs to LOTW?
    This is urgent for me, please! Thanks
    Augusto HB9TZA , WWFF / HB National Coordinator

    Andrew M0YMA

    I’ve uploaded logs to LoTW for years, and these have always have both fields populated.

    This includes personal callsigns and special-event and club calls.


    Thank you very much Abdrew for the exhaustive reply!
    I’m now sure that the adif Logs that I modify to suit for autoupload to WWFF are OK; som OM Activator did not want to complete the Info on my Request, they used a nice italian Logger, a good one, but that puts “Operator” instead of “Station_Callsign”.
    They used a clubcall and were 4 ops, so I asked him to give me their Data in Log, and the OldMan refused to give other data and also to give sig and sig_info, and further went hangry too, on my regard … Then another OM told me abt LoTW and these two fields, and also that in other countries the NC were not like me thus all these data I requested were really not necessaries and unfair.
    … If they simply used FLE …
    Many thanks for the Infos, Andrew, very kind from you.
    73 44, Augusto


    Per the TQSL release notes as of version 2.5.3 (April 2020):

    Minor Updates:

    Ignore leading and trailing whitespace in ADIF values.
    Ignore callsign fields (OPERATOR, STATION_CALLSIGN, OPERATOR_CALLSIGN) in ADIF files to work around defective logging programs.
    When a Station Location has empty values, use the QTH details from the log being signed.

    Andrew M0YMA

    Curious that ignoring three of the primary logging fields is considered a “minor” update ๐Ÿ™

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