It was a cold morning for us, 41°. We scraped the frost off the windshield and headed out at 0830PT
We got to Fisk Mill Cove shortly after 0900 and were calling CQ by 0950. My Elmer, KE6WC, spotted me and I know that’s how I got the 3 out of state contacts on 20. Thanks, Ken! There was a lot of noise on 20. I was able to hear 2 local stations and 1 each from CO, KS and TX. Guess who the one from Texas was? John, AE5B! Thanks, John, it was great to talk with you! You all know how active John has been for WWFF and NPOTA.
It was pretty slow so I had plenty of time to look around while calling CQ. I saw rainbows reflected off grass as the frost melted, ferns at the edge of the pine trees, acorn woodpeckers flying from pine tree to pine tree (someone needs to tell them acorns are in oak trees!) and several small birds that flitted so fast I couldn’t identify them. I had a filtered view of the ocean but I didn’t see any whales today. Often we do this time of year so I’ll be looking next time we’re there. Continue reading