Hello fellow WWFF Country Coordinators and others….
I am writing to let you know about a new WWFF event, sponsored by KFF (USA), VEFF (Canada) and XEFF (Mexico) called Get Your Park ON!.
During the week of October 14-20, 2018 we will have as many North American WWFF parks on the air as we can. In turn we are encouraging ham radio operators world wide to reach out to make contact with all activated parks in North America during that week. The sponsor groups also have a cross promotion agreement with the Earth Science Week program taking place that same week to bring attention to the protected nature areas of our world.
We are asking you to share the information for Get Your Park ON! throughout your country organization and encourage your operators to participate in this first time event. Planned North America park activations will be listed on the Get Your Park ON! Facebook group at http://getyourparkon.com.
As details are finalized about this event they can also be found at that same location. All operators are encouraged to join the Facebook group at that same location.
Attached you will find a press release and a graphic that you may use to promote Get Your Park ON! in your region.
NOTE: While this year we are focused on North America WWFF parks, we hope to expand the participation to other countries and regions in future events of this type–perhaps including the entire WWFF global family. Please freely share this with any operators that you feel would be interested.
I will be active as an Activator and a Hunter during Get Your Park ON! and we hope that we have wonderful participation from around the world.
Thank you for being a part of World Wide Flora and Fauna.
Posted by Luk ON4BB | Filed under Upcoming Activation
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