Log Issue

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  • #9689

    I submitted two logs for VEFF-0099 activated on 7/14 and 7/15 which were uploaded as 00075147 and 00075148, respectively. The former listed 6 Qs and the latter 39 Qs. Only 37 Qs appear on the submitted 00075148. I believe the VEFF coordinator deleted KG8P and WA8IPA, 40m SSB from this log because I had worked them same band and same mode on 7/14.

    He had deleted them on log # 00074554, correctly, because I had reported them on the same log, even though they were worked on different dates.

    I subsequently asked that log 00074554 be deleted, and submitted the two separate logs. Under WWFF rules, the same station may be worked on the same band and mode on different dates. This is clearly the case.

    Normally, I’d just go work the park again, but it is 950 miles from my home, and I made a four day drive (there and back) JUST to work that park.

    The VEFF coordinator has not answered my last several e-mails regarding this activation.

    Any assistance you can provide would be greatly appreciated.


    Just confirmed by email that VEFF coordinator believes that the Dane callsign, sane mode, same band on a different is a duplicate Q, in spite of the following:

    WWFF Rules 4.6

    “A contact with the same callsign on a different date counts as a separate QSO.”


    Apologies. Apparently, VEFF has adopted a more stringent policy than WWFF and will accept callsigns across multiple activations. Visitors beware.


    will not. Typo

    Manfred Meier

    Hi, from WWFF-side of course it is ok when you work same station on different dates from same WWFF. We also had no chance to check this. So I really don´t know if there is a more restricted rule in canada, however would not recommend.
    If I would check sometimes 200 logs in month on dupes on various dates I could stay at home from work.
    Please talk again with Dave VA3RJ and let me know, if any action needs to be done. You can contact of course via mail would be more efficient.
    73, Manfred DF6EX

    Manfred Meier

    are there any news about this ?


    Thanks, no action required. VEFF does not allow the same callsign/mode on different days. One wonders how complicated an endeavor that will be over time, though!


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