PSE Correct: Log of JP1QEC/0 on 2017-05-16

World Wide Flora & Fauna in Amateur Radio Forums WWFF HelpDesk Log Corrections PSE Correct: Log of JP1QEC/0 on 2017-05-16

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  • #5347
    Nobi JA1JCF

    Sorry to bother you, but a serious mistake in the log file named “JP1QEC@JAFF0052 20170516” was found by a hunter.
    The referencce was specified as “<MY_SIG_INFO:9>JAFF-0213” instead of the correct reference, JAFF-0052.
    The log file was uploaded on May 17 as #41296.
    I checked it before uploading, but I apologize that I overlooked the error.
    If it is easier for you just to delete it, please do so. Then I will uproad a correct log.

    Nobi, JA1JCF

    Andrew M0YMA


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