Logsearch v1.00.00

A major update to Logsearch has just been released… and this is now officially v1.00.00 rather than the ongoing series of updates.

This update includes (as always) the addition of a number of new awards and award steps, and addresses a number of small issues, plus a bit of tidying up, and code rationalisation – many of which were already informally released.

Thanks in particular to Lars PHONO and Edwin for their support.

Open Issues can be found in the Issue Tracker.

Future Plans

Further work is ongoing… with support from other developers, we’re working to improve the development process, so it is not so dependant on one programmer.

Personal Note

Development of Logsearch has to fit around family and work commitments! Unfortunately, my job means I’m on the road a lot!


Any problems, or new feature requests, via the Help Desk Forum please.

OHFF management updates

Several updates to the OHFF program management took place this week:

  • National coordinator: Kim, OH6KZP, taking over from Timo, OH5EUY / OH5Y
  • Award manager: Jukka, OH4MFA, taking over from Petteri, OH6PV
  • Log manager: Juha, OH8CW, taking over from Kim, OH6KZP

Lasse, OH2BAV, continues as reference manager, and Keijo, OH2OT / OG55W, as QSL manager for the special call OH44FF.

Thanks to Timo and Petteri for their many years of service! I’m looking forward to developing the OHFF program further together with a good team. 73 & 44!

WWFF August Activity Month

The WWFF August Activity Month

From Thuesday the 1st of August to Thuesday 31st of August 2023.

WWFF Team would like to invite all WWFF Activators and Hunters to participate in “The WWFF August Activity Month”.

  • The activity event will start at 00:01 UTC on August 1st and finish at 23:59 UTC on August 31st.
  • WWFF Activators are invite to aired from as many as possible WWFF areas.
  • A big oppertunity for our hunters to work new WWFF areas and increase there score.

  • We recommend all Activators to use the WWFF Agenda and the WWFF Facebook Group to inform the WWFF Hunter community of their plans.

  • After each activity the Activators have to send in their logs to the log manager responsible for the areas they activated.
  • The deadline for sending in logs to count towards this special event is September 9th.
  • To facilitate the special award processing we ask the activators โ€“ especially when using vanity /special event calls or group calls โ€“ to make sure the operator field in their logs is populated with their home callsign.
  • The log uploaders then have a week to check and upload the logs. By September 16th we will start generating the awards and ranklists based on the available data in WWFF LogSearch.
Continue reading

Now Azores get his CUFF prefix

The WWFF Team (dated 28 june 2023) decided to move all existing CTFF prefix used earlier for Azores moved to the official CUFF prefix.

All existing CTFF references used for the Azores will get a deleted status. The conversion process will be finished in a few days.

Only use the CUFF reference from now.


Hi friends, the beautiful days are here , the France Flora Fauna team offers you a challenge over the 5 weekends of July.

We call on interested activators to contact us.

The goal is to activate a maximum of mobile or even resident references over the 5 weekends of July. (several references per weekend are allowed)

You can participate in one or more weekends depending on your availability.

Activators must send their weekend log before the following Wednesday,   upon receipt of your logs our friend Micke F4HZR will establish a provisional hunter and activator ranking which will be posted on our site.

This challenge starts every weekend in July on Saturday 5am ( utc ) until Sunday 6pm ( utc ) 

Dates: 01/07 to 02/07 first weekend

08/07 to 09/07 second weekend

15/07 to 16/07 third weekend

22/07 to 23/07 fourth weekend

29/07 to 30/07 last weekend

The rewards will be distributed at the end of the challenge by Fabien F4HRR (the Rare and Wanted Man) .

Two diplomas will be created for this event:

An activator and a hunter,

Each activator will have a diploma to thank him for having participated.

And the first 15 hunters will also have a diploma for the best hunter.

Hoping that this event pleases you and attracts people 73/44 of the whole team.

Little thought to our friend Paul F2YT


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