An often heard question ! WWFF’ers always end a QSO with “44” ….
The first four (4) stands for the four wind directions : North, East, South and West
The second four (4) stands for the four elements : Earth, Water, Air and Fire.
From now on you will never loose that bet again !
And who “invented” that, please?
73 … John
Aha that’s the question !
We inherit this “44” from the organization that worked previously
It is right! Each figure stands for what Danny wrote.
But 44 means, as 73, greetings from who are involved in preserving nature.
So why we repeat twice “greetings” as 73 and again as 44, in many QSOs
One of them is enough. I think !
Pit, YO3JW
Flora Fauna = 44
Here everything is written
Jurek, SP5C