During the year 2017 (International year of sustainable tourism for development ), you may earn the special award from Romania: the “YOFF 2017 Let Save The Green Planet Earth”. http://wff-yo.blogspot.ro/2017/02/diploma-yoff-2017.html
Rules: During the entire calendar year 2017, work at least 5 stations from different YOFF protected areas and at least 10 stations from other FF areas in 5 different countries on at least 2 continents. Requests must be received before 01.02.2018
. Cost of the printed award is 5€ or 5 valid IRC’s. Apply to Fenyo Stefan Pit, P.O. Box 19-43, RO-033210 Bucuresti 19, Romania
If you request that the award be sent by electronic means, there is NO COST for the pdf or jpg document.
Apply by e-mail to: fenyo3jw(at)yahoo.com
Internet: http://wff-yo.blogspot.com
How you can ask for it
Go to LOGSEARCH, use your own call to open it with “search” After it open a new window look for years(left up) and select the year (2017) click on; Wait to open a new window and look for “QSO”; click on! Will open a list with your QSOs in 2017. Select the requested QSO and copy into a text file until you got all necessary QSOs; You need 10 QSOs with 2 different continents(you can see EU/xx, AS/xx, NA/xx, OC/xx aso) After it you can select 5 different entities (in same maner), take more 3 different other QSOs and at lest select EU/YO in 5 different YOFF. All that QSO are now pasted in a text file. 15 line! Save it and sent to me!
Some for previous years
73 Pit YO3JW