On 25mrt 2017 we went out for activating PAFF-0083. My mate PD0PVR John arrived around 09:00 UTC at my home . We put all the stuff in the car and after we drank some coffee we drove to Zeeuws Vlaanderen PAFF -0083 Braakman-Noorderbossen.
We put up the antenne mast, a 8 mtr long fishing pole . We were doing some test with a new radio (Yaesu FT891) and a new HyEndFed ant for 40 20 10 mtr MKIII 200W version.
After SWR checking we called on 40 mtr and the first qso was with my mate Danny ON4VT arround 12:11 utc .
After a few hours we had a visit from another hamradio station, PA3HGT with his XYL, having a great eye ball qso, Little bit later John PD0PVR/P got on the air and made his first HF contact ever !!
The weather was great and it was fantastic to be out in the nature. Some locals took a look we told them all about Flora & Fauna and Hamradio.
We made not so much qso’s but whe had a lot of fun . Me, Jan PD3JAG/p, made 56 qso’s (loads of stations from EU and some USA). John PD0PVR/p made almost 36 qso for his first time being active on HF (loads of EU stations and USA.
The weather was that good we stayed there for a long time, around 22:30UTC we were back at home
It was a great adventure and John PD0PVR told me that he wants to do this soon again, hes bitten by the WWFF beast !
73 44 PD3JAG Jan
Nice report and pictures. TNX
/SA0BRW Christer