Hi all, please for the future donot request new references last day of the month like this evening. After having check and aproved latest closing es updating file to be released found other new request.
I cant stay all the night awaiting and than rework file since this is an hobby not a daily work es have also other important thing to do.
Those still not approved will be insertred on June Directory when approved es their validity start from when will reopen Manage Directory.
73 es 44 de I5FLN Directory Mgr
I agree with you Luciano.
No matter from where are that, but it is a volunteer activity and we need to respect each of us who do work for WWFF.
I think it need to be agree that all request sent in last 2 day of month will take effect in Directory in the next month .
So please National Coordinators take care about date when you request new references.
Cultus Lake Provincial Park in British Columbia Canada
49.03N 121.59W
has no VEFF #
Thank you Heinz VA7AQ
Hi Heinz
to introduce in the Directory a new reference need the following
1) name is ok
2) webpage
3) Latitude
4) Longitude
6) IUCN number see (http://www.fauna-flora.org/glossary/http://www.fauna-flora.org/glossary/)
The number can be found also into here https://www.protectedplanet.net/cultus-lake-park-a-park
7) IARU Locator
73 es 44 de I5FLN Luciano
Re: Cultus Lake Provincial Park
webpage: Cultus Lake Provincial Park
Latitude : 49.0533N
Longitude: 121.9867W
IUCN # ll
IARU # 2
Hope thise will help best 73 Heinz VA7AQ
Hi Heinz
super tomorrow will add into the list
regards sincerely
73’s es 44 de I5FLN Luciano
Hello Heinz
the reference is created es got the following nr. VEFF-0445
tomorrow is approved,
73’s Luciano I5FLN
Hello Luciano,
First, did you receive my email requesting info on format of file to send you for adding approx 3000 new references for Canada?
I am currently working on a .CSV file of the references to be added as I did not hear back from you.
Now I notice you were in contact with Heinz, VA7AQ and you gave him VEFF-0445. In my list that number has been given to a park in the province of Ontario, not British Columbia. Cultus Lake Provincial Park, BC, is on my master list but would have had a higher VEFF number. We are working against each other.
I can move Cultus Lake Provincial Park, BC to the VEFF-0445 and remove it from the list of BC (VE7) parks.
Please email me directly off the list so we can work together to fix up the directory list for Canada. After a long time of research I do have a large list of references that covers all of Canada’s Provinces and Territories.
73 from Dave VA3RJ
Official Representative & Co-Ordinator of WorldWide Flora & Fauna (WWFF) Canada
Email: dave.va3rj AT gmail DOT com
P.S. – Please do not do anything with the Excel file that I sent to you. This was only an example of how large the list is and not to be input into the database. When I find what file format you need to make uploading to database easy, along with the info needed for each park, I can easily send you a file in that format for input to database. Also VEFF references, now marked “reserved” have been given names and need to be filled in (IE VEFF-0123 to VEFF-0129 now have names).
We must work together Luciano and I am looking forward to doing so. Hopefully it will make our tasks easier and can do the upload easily. Also, if WWFF adds a new reference for an activator, please send this info to the National coordinator so both the WWFF databse and the National master list are both in sync. TNX.
Hi Dave
first of all I didnt receive from you any file, now I can delete VEFF445 allready assigned.
From nw on will accept request only from the NA representative since cannot
follow singular request by any one. For the moment the coordinator for NA is Jason W3AAX
he can give you also an example on how should be the CSV e/o excell file with data.
Canada directory contains till VEFF0445 (which was last one assigned) but before inserting
a 3000 it is necessary that should be checked those allready assigned which canot be renumbered. Canno be canceled if for example one of these has been allready activated.
Write to W3AAX es ask him for the help on this matter than can get the file es see what we have to do to upload into directory.
73 es 44 de I5FLN Luciao
Hello Luciao,
I will contact Jason, W3AAX, and work with him on WWFF list for Canada. It is ok that you added the new reference VEFF-0445 as I moved that one in my master file. Do not delete VEFF-0445. The BIG list of new references will start at VEFF-0446. I will get all necessary info from W3AAX to get this work done. Thank you for your help.
73 & 44 from Dave, VA3RJ