Announcement: Annual DLFF Hunter Award
German Amateur-Radio-Club e.V., Ortsverband Syke, 125, issues the „Annual DLFF Hunter Award“ which can be apllied for in a one-year-cycle by radio amateurs.
Only contacts that are listed in the DLFF-database are counted. All officially recognised DLFF references are possible, but only once a year.
The diploma shows the current year, earliest possible issue is 2018. It is issued in degrees counting 50 references each, starting at 50. All references within one calendar year are counted.
A list of all officially recognised DLFF references is shown at
The diploma can be applied for via link on the DLFF Website
It is free of cost and is sent vial e-mail as PDF.
The DARC award council officially accredited the Annual DLFF Hunter Award on December 2017.
Announcement: Annual DLFF Activator Award
German Amateur-Radio-Club e.V., Ortsverband Syke, 125, issues the „Annual DLFF Activator Award“ which can be apllied for in a one-year-cycle by radio amateurs.
Stations that activate a national park or reservation have to be located within its borders. It is expected that the operator respects the regulations of the national park or reservation and shows responsibility and care towards flora and fauna. The minimum number of proven radio connections is 44.
A list of all officially recognised DLFF references is shown at
The annual award is issued in the following steps: DLFF-Activator (year) 10, 20, 20 etc.
The application must be sent to the following postal adress:
Klaus Peter Dreessen DL2YBG Steimker Str. 8a
28857 Syke
or email adress DL2YBG@DARC.DE.
The award is free of cost and is only available as PDF and sent vial e-mail.
The DARC award council officially accredited the Annual DLFF Activator Award on December
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73! Vit, RN3ANT