
Solovetsky Monastery Kremlin on sunset
Dima UA1OLM is QRV as RK1OWA/p from RFF-0175 Solovetskiy museum-zapovednik on Solovetsky Islands (IOTA EU-066) in spare time on his business trip until the end of September. Paper QSL via RZ1OA.
Most likely, he is announcing on air the only IOTA activity, but we will upload his logs to WWFF Logsearch after completing of the trip.
If you meet, spot him as WWFF for our community.
73! RFF Team
Hi RFF team can you add this also in our WWFF agenda.
WWFF members Service
Hello, Luk.
I think it does not make sense, since we know no exact dates or exact time of the on-air activity, the only we know whole period. Operator does on-air in his spare time.
I wrote this message just to let people know that RK1OWA/p is active from RFF-0175, and the the log will be uploaded to WWFF LogSearch.
73! Vit, RN3ANT