OJ0DX logs uploaded



WWFF is happy to announce that the OJ0DX DX-pedtion to Market Reef (2015 & 2016) uploaded the full logs to LogSearch. Market Reef is counting OHFF-0038 towards the WWFF and OHFF program.

With grateful thanks to Dietmar DL3DXX for the good hamspirit !

M0OXO WWFF partner


M0OXOFrom now on M0OXO, Charles, well known QSL manager, is official partner of WWFF.

Charles will promote WWFF towards the stations he’s manager for (those who qualify for WWFF). And he will upload the logs of the stations that give their permission to participate in the WWFF program.

First result of this partnership is the upload of the complete 3B9FR log qualifying for 3BFF-0004. Pretty sure some more rare DX spots will follow !


WWFF Website Functionality

As more and more features are added to this main WWFF.CO website, we have opened up registration to all users – previously only available to National Coordinators and Administrators.

Initially, this will provide access to award information (which will be a copy of the Logsearch data) but as the Logsearch functionality is migrated, then registration will become necessary!

Please register using your callsign as your username – any non-callsign usernames will be deleted.

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