Hi all.
FFF-Team welcomes you to participate in the “FFF JULY CHALLENGE”

Each week-end of july.
More information on the FFF web (here)
24 Monday Jun 2024
Hi all.
FFF-Team welcomes you to participate in the “FFF JULY CHALLENGE”
Each week-end of july.
More information on the FFF web (here)
05 Monday Apr 2021
The start of relaxation of restrictions provides an opportunity to refresh Team GxFF.
I am pleased to announce that:
I will be around to assist, when required – but not to interfere 🙂
30 Monday Nov 2020
The Covid rules across the UK provide a confusing mish-mash of restrictions:
Team GxFF have considered the available information and have decided that decisions whether to perform an activity should be left to the judgement of the activator, with due consideration to the rules in force at their home and at the target reference, and in particular with regards any travel restrictions in place.
Team GxFF reiterate that this is not an encouragement to undertake any activity, and accept no liability for any consequences of any decision by an activator to perform an activation.
We will, of course, keep monitoring any changes in the Rules…
04 Wednesday Nov 2020
For the attention of all GxFF activators…
With effect from midnight tonight, GFF activations are suspended until 2nd December (or until the restrictions are lifted).
Other GxFF (excluding GFF) are subject to regional Rules, especially relating to “unnecessary travel”.
09 Saturday Mar 2019
PYFF created in Brazil the “DFF Brazil” Flora and Fauna Brazil Award program with reference to the WWFF regulation. Please find information here . There is a complete update of the PYFF directory contents. New parks are added and some others will be added later. For information write to Ronaldo PS8RV for any help or carification to the DFF program. diplomaflorafaunabrasil@gmail.com
16 Wednesday Jan 2019
Estonia Es-land jointed WWFF as New country member. We welcome Timo ES1NOA as National coordinator , Directory Mgr and logmanager. Email can be found at the National Manager page.
29 Saturday Sep 2018
The WWFF Rules are generally intended for WWFF , for World Wide activities, but are of course superseeded by National Awards Rules, where there are.
This, although clearly stated in the WWFF Rules at 2.1 (… In countries where a National WWFF program exists, then any existing National rules take priority over the global rules) is very often not known by activators going in other countries.
So it may happen that operators coming from countries where the Activation requirements are different, believe honestly that they may do activities in other countries following their country rules. This is not exactly so! The same is for the Awards: he must follow the local rules, as recalled also by the above stated point 2.1 of the WWFF Global Rules.
Our HBFF Switzerland and Liechtenstein Flora Fauna difference.