Reply To: Wrong log file uploaded: two refs logs merged into it.

World Wide Flora & Fauna in Amateur Radio Forums WWFF HelpDesk Log Corrections Wrong log file uploaded: two refs logs merged into it. Reply To: Wrong log file uploaded: two refs logs merged into it.


HI, I have upoloaded the HBFF-0036 Log, as I have seen that the QSOs uploaded wrongly with HBFF-0068 are not into HBFF-0036.

Then, if you will erase the wrong uploaded Log HBFF-0068, these will also disappear and all will be OK.

After that, uploading the right HBFF-0068 Log with another name, otherwise it will be seen as a dupe, will end all this sad stupid story.

Oncemore excuse me and all others for this strange error:
we will pay due and more attention to this issue in the future.

73 44 Augusto HB9TZA / I2JJR

  • This reply was modified 4 years, 2 months ago by HB9TZA. Reason: corrections
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