World Wide Flora & Fauna in Amateur Radio › Forums › WWFF HelpDesk › WWFF Website › WWFF / GMA Cluster › Reply To: WWFF / GMA Cluster
January 2, 2021 at 09:34
Hallo Uwe, HNY!
I wpould also like what you suggest; I normally post a spot BOTH on the WWFF Cluster, than also on DXsummit, so that more Hams are able to see the Spot and it really helps Hunters, as a Cluster was intended to do.
The GMA has done and do quite a lot of good jobs; so I hope that your suggestion will be appreciated and WWFF Cluster may exchange – or only export, maybe better, – his spots to other Clusters.
73 44 Uwe, have a nice and good 2021!
Augusto HB9TZA / I2JJR