Reply To: Year 2010 HBFF Top Operators: Error Found

World Wide Flora & Fauna in Amateur Radio Forums WWFF HelpDesk Award issues Year 2010 HBFF Top Operators: Error Found Reply To: Year 2010 HBFF Top Operators: Error Found


Good Afternoon,
I have checked the logs I did upload these times: all is correct.

Thus the Top Operator statistic for 2010 is completely wrong.
Probably also for the hunters, as we had no activations in 2010 at all.

For 2011, the only activations are by I2AE and this is also wrong as we had alo 1 activation by DL1EKO and 2 activations on the same Ref by HB9WFF.

For this reason we believe that also the “all years” statistics may be wrong! And for this, also some Award may have been issued wrongly.

I also checked the refs activated by those activators, with LogSearch: strangely, it gives correct results for 2011.

I would please the concerned manager to correct these pages, and write mere if the other years statistics are corrected, so we may issue the top operators yearly awards.

Many thanks!

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