Reply To: Uploading log refused by non existing Hunter Ref (UTFF-2081)

World Wide Flora & Fauna in Amateur Radio Forums WWFF HelpDesk Logsearch Feedback Uploading log refused by non existing Hunter Ref (UTFF-2081) Reply To: Uploading log refused by non existing Hunter Ref (UTFF-2081)

Andrew M0YMA

Hello Augusto

A recent update to LogUpload introduces a two-pass checking process…

Previously, each QSO was processed individually, and if there was a problem, it (and only it) was not uploaded. This created a lot of work for coordinators, as they had to find which QSO was missing and correct it (in a separate log) – or as was quite common, just ignore the QSO so the Hunter did not get credit.

With the two-pass upload, major errors are trapped first, allowing the coordinator to correct the log before submission… this means that the whole activation gets uploaded as a single log – it also means less work for the coordinators (and more importantly, IMHO, less work for me, when I get asked to do correction!)

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