Reply To: How do YOFF activators get their logs uploaded?


“Do not submit comments that are unlawful, harassing, abusive, threatening, harmful, obscene, profane, sexually orientated or racially offensive.” info from M0YMA

Hi John
You and me now are a simple participant in WWFF
Until my step away I was an active participant with many comments about what and how it is in WWFF.

John, please check again the YOFF in “National awards”
There no any link to our site of YOFF, even no way to the “legal” coordinator for YOFF.
I hope the so banned YOFF will come back in the big family of WWFF. But it depends by some people who can take decision.

About YOFF awards. The WRFF is possible via I will be happy to prepare the award for you.
Also you can find many info in YOFF site
73 Pit YOFF Coordinator

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