How do YOFF activators get their logs uploaded?

World Wide Flora & Fauna in Amateur Radio Forums National Programs & Awards How do YOFF activators get their logs uploaded?


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    Problem for the nationals?
    I haven’t seen any uploads since March (except the one from YO/DJ8QP)?

    … John

    Luk ON4BB

    They should follow the WWFF rules (6.11) and send their logs to


    Thanks, Luk. Let’s hope they know that – and do it.

    … John

    Pit YO3JW

    “Do not submit comments that are unlawful, harassing, abusive, threatening, harmful, obscene, profane, sexually orientated or racially offensive.”info from M0YMA

    Hi John
    After my step away from WWFF Award Manager position, about 7 month ago, the team of coordinating WWFF(the person who have “keys” in site decided to take away the YOFF from WWFF.
    See where YOFF is without any info about !
    I got messages that “they” do not trust me! As more than 5 years I contributed hardly to WWFF, now they think that in YOFF need an other coordinator who take the job. I got also messages to stop any comments, if not, they will delete me from any connection to WWFF!
    As I know each national team have their rules and they take decision who represent them. As long no new one for YOFF the team of WWFF can’t take their decision to change the representative of any national team.
    That the rules! May I am wrong???
    Decision is take, in my opinion, by only few persons
    In this way you can’t get any of YOFF and WRFF awards now.
    So please ask the WWFF team why it happens!(DF6EX and M0YMA)
    Sorry Luk, that address is valid for countries where no coordinators! YOFF have coordinator! also site at
    Gus sent directly the log, without any approval from YOFF!
    I don’t know if he was in YO! Sorry.
    YOFF coordinator


    Hello Pit,

    Yes, I know that there is a controversy, that’s why I asked, but I have no idea about what caused it.

    YOFF has not been excluded from the WWFF, it is still present on the pages, including a working link to the YOFF website. There just isn’t an accepted YOFF coordinator.

    I guess that makes YO a DXCC ”not represented in the current WWFF program”, so that section 6.11 in the rules offers a valid way to solve the log upload problem for the YO activators.

    So until the issue is solved, one way or another, I suggest that you tell them that.

    The next question, of course, is how to apply for YOFF awards. I am just two shy of the next step, 250 references. That will have to wait until the logs come up.

    73 … John

    Pit YO3JW

    “Do not submit comments that are unlawful, harassing, abusive, threatening, harmful, obscene, profane, sexually orientated or racially offensive.” info from M0YMA

    Hi John
    You and me now are a simple participant in WWFF
    Until my step away I was an active participant with many comments about what and how it is in WWFF.

    John, please check again the YOFF in “National awards”
    There no any link to our site of YOFF, even no way to the “legal” coordinator for YOFF.
    I hope the so banned YOFF will come back in the big family of WWFF. But it depends by some people who can take decision.

    About YOFF awards. The WRFF is possible via I will be happy to prepare the award for you.
    Also you can find many info in YOFF site
    73 Pit YOFF Coordinator

    Pit YO3JW

    Hi John
    Last days we had a meeting of YOFF activators/hunters and taken decision to propose YO3LW as YOFF upload manager for next period
    He was accepted by community.
    Next year YOFF will celebrate 10 years of activity with a special award during 2019. Info will show up later…
    Now you can saw that all logs from past was uploaded in system.
    Hope it help you!
    YO3JW, Pit
    YOFF coordinator

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