Add missing QSO

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  • #14276
    Ji DS1TUW

    I need to add 1 QSO to the file:
    DT0IP @ HLFF-0016 20240217

    QSO: OH8CRX, 10m SSB, 20240217, 07:05

    Needed ADIF line is as below (You may copy and paste)

    <CALL:6>OH8CRX <BAND:3>10m <MODE:3>SSB <QSO_DATE:8>20240217 <TIME_ON:6>070546 <ANT_AZ:1>0 <ANT_EL:1>0 <CONT:2>EU <CONTEST_ID:10>DXPEDITION <COUNTRY:7>Finland <CQZ:2>15 <DXCC:3>224 <EQSL_QSL_RCVD:1>N <EQSL_QSL_SENT:1>N <FREQ:9>28.439900 <ITUZ:2>18 <LOTW_QSL_RCVD:1>N <LOTW_QSL_SENT:1>N <MY_COUNTRY:17>Republic Of Korea <MY_DXCC:3>137 <OPERATOR:6>DS1TUW <STATION_CALLSIGN:5>DT0IP <PROGRAMID:7>LOG4OM2 <PROGRAMVERSION:8> <QSL_RCVD:1>N <QSL_RCVD_VIA:1>E <QSL_SENT:1>N <QSL_SENT_VIA:1>E <QSO_COMPLETE:1>Y <QSO_DATE_OFF:8>20240217 <RST_RCVD:2>59 <RST_SENT:2>59 <STX:2>18 <STX_STRING:2>18 <SWL:1>N <TIME_OFF:6>070546 <TX_PWR:3>100 <LAT:11>N000 00.000 <LON:11>E000 00.000 <MY_LAT:11>N000 00.000 <MY_LON:11>E000 00.000 <PFX:3>OH5 <QSO_RANDOM:1>Y <SFI:1>0 <EOR>

    Thank you!

    Manfred Meier

    ok, this time done, please next time simply upload the file as 2nd log, normally I am not authorized to do an upload if there is an existing checkpoint ๐Ÿ™‚

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