Callsing start date, end date


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  • #9945
    Nikolas (VK3ZK)


    A callsign is not always unique to an operator.
    Over time several operators may use the same callsign.

    I am on my third call sign now, and both this one and my previous callsign were used by another operator before me.

    I can see where to put my current callsign (primary callsign) and previous callsigns (other callsigns) in my profile but I can’t find a place to put the start date and end date of when I was the operator of those call signs.

    As a result I have one additional Hunter reference to my credit that I did not work, as the previous operator (now deceased) of VK3ZK made a QSO with one activator. Of course he could have made hundreds of QSO that would now be credited to me or an operator could become licensed under my previous callsings leading to a conflict.

    Have I set up my Profile incorrectly or is this something that needs future attention?

    73 & 44

    Andrew M0YMA

    Hi Nikolas

    The system doesn’t really cope with this!

    I have a manual work-around, which will address your specific case…

    Could you list your callsigns and valid dates?


    Nikolas (VK3ZK)

    Hi Andrew,

    My call signs are as follows,

    VK3NLK 12/04/17 to 11/04/19
    VK3ZNK 24/10/18 to 27/08/19
    VK3ZK 28/08/19 to current

    I think only one QSO is not valid on my WWFF account,
    ZK3ZK to VK4AAC/3 on 20/04/16, ref VKFF-0944.

    Thanks for your help.
    Hope this issue does not become a bigger problem in the future.

    73 & 44

    Andrew M0YMA

    Hi Nikolas

    All QSOs are now associated with your current call…

    >> Hope this issue does not become a bigger problem in the future.

    It probably will, and I need to consider how best to deal with it!


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