Check your profile!


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  • #12819
    Vladimir Zugcic

    In a Logsearch it doesn’t let me apply for award. Example is DLFF-H-50 and OKFF-H-30… when I pull a mouse over it, it says the following:
    “You cannot apply for award yet… check your profile!” So I ask anyone, what’s wrong with My Profile? Maybe cause I don’t want to put my photo? Stupid and unacceptable!

    Andrew M0YMA

    Hello Vladimir

    There is no mandate to add a photo.

    WWFF Logsearch requires Name, DXCC and callsign(s) – all of which, I assume, you will agree are appropriate for an awards scheme?

    If you check your profile, it will tell you what is missing…

    Edit: I have checked your profile, and it is (now) complete and “APply for Awards” enabled… so issue can be closed.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 9 months ago by Andrew M0YMA.
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