Error in operator

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  • #11507
    Peter SM7FSK


    This is a very old error, before I was administrator.

    The operation for 8S5A/4/P have been registrered as operator 4 instead of 8S5A

    The following activations:
    20120810 SMFF-3697
    20121011 SMFF-0008
    20120812 SMFF-2083
    20120813 SMFF-3703

    This is not high priority, just to get things right.

    73 and 44

    Andrew M0YMA


    A combination of a double suffix, and a short callsign has caused the prefix- and suffix-stripper to get confused.

    Out of curiousity, is /4/P a normal double-suffix? I’m used to seeing just /n

    Peter SM7FSK

    In the past it was mandatory to indicate that you was operating outside your normal district, in this case district 4, and you also had to use the /P. This is not the case anymore.

    in 2014 i used /2/P but this did not cause any problems when loading the logs to Logsearch.

    I might find more strange things in the logs in the future as I am going through old logs. I think i will find logs that have been loaded twice.

    Manfred Meier


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