Errors in Log


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  • #8081
    Bob (KA9JAC)

    Log N2CX@KFF-0453 20180324.adi uploaded on 25-Mar-18 contains multiple errors.

    Some of the times show as 16xx, all times should be 20xx

    The 5 contacts logged 2026-2032 should also be changed to 20m

    If you prefer a copy of the corrected log, please let me know.

    73, 44

    Manfred Meier

    Hi Bob, the around 25 contacts were moved from 16.. to 20..,
    after this the resulting 5 contacts were changed from 40 to 20 meter.
    Please tell him, he should take care a bit more on the content of the log.
    Lot of activators believe it´s important to send the log very fast, however most important is to send it correct.
    In a log with around 40/50 contacts an error-quote of almost 50 percent is a bit high.
    (just my private comment)
    happy easter
    Manfred DF6EX

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