First time activating a Park

World Wide Flora & Fauna in Amateur Radio Forums WWFF HelpDesk First time activating a Park

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    I was with the boy scouts at Kings Mountain National Military Park yesterday (KFF-0720) K4IZZ and I (WW4TC) hauled my HF rig up to the monument at the top and activated the park. We made 24 contacts before rain got my radio.

    I am having trouble figuring out how to upload our log. I recorded everything on my iPad app 73.

    Do I have to be registered to upload? I don’t see it in my drop down menu from WWFF Logsearch


    Hi, Douglas! Let me start by saying THANK YOU so much for participating in the initiative. I hope you and the scouts had a great time. I am a former Scoutmaster as well.

    For the U.S. (the KFF program in WWFF), you send your log in ADIF format via e-mail to the Regional Manager that handles your call sign. So, for you, it would be the 4th area Regional Manager – KA9JAC – Bob Gedemer. His e-mail address is:

    You can learn more about the specifics about the KFF program, additional award opportunities above and beyond the global awards offered, etc., by going to the KFF site at:

    Again, thanks so much for your participation. Please let me know if I may be of any further assistance.

    Very 73 es 44 de Jeff Dahn / KB3ZUK
    North American Continental Representative

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