For how long will the SMFF awards be suspended?

World Wide Flora & Fauna in Amateur Radio Forums National Programs & Awards For how long will the SMFF awards be suspended?

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  • #3830
    Steen 5p0o

    I’m just wondering for how long will the SMFF awards be suspended?

    SM7FSK Peter is do a great job organising the program, being up-to-date with what is happening in Sweden. He is telling Swedish amateurs about WWFF and how to activate SMFF’s, but the awards have been suspended for very long time with out anything has happened.

    After SK6AW gave up the national contest, Peter have been running SMFF 100% acording to WWFF rules. It is not fair to suspend SMFF based on what happened in the SK6AW times.

    What needs to be done to reinstate the SMFF awards?

    73 de 5p0o, Steen

    Peter SM7FSK

    The program was suspended by Lars and Andrew, not by me or anyone in SM.

    In my opinion the program can be started again.

    Peter SM7FSK

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