HBFF-0275 Log Upload, Error found!

World Wide Flora & Fauna in Amateur Radio Forums WWFF HelpDesk Log Corrections HBFF-0275 Log Upload, Error found!

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  • #10944

    Hello Manfred,
    I have just uploaded the HB9CBR@HBFF-0275_20210206 Log, and I have seen than it has uploaded it as 1 QSO then the following 101 QSO, in the Activation Details row. So I carefully checked the log and have found a wrong typing in the Station_callsign column.
    Here is the QSO to correct, it is the number 3 :
    20210206 102100 102100 4Z4DX 18.084 17M CW 599 599 HB9CBR HB9CBR /P JN36IN WWFF HBFF-0275
    You may see that in Station_Callsign there is a space among the Callsign HB9CBR and the /P ; I supose this is the cause of the splitting of the log, it seems a different callsign to the software.
    Please correct the QSO @3, with the correct station_callsign HB9CBR/P . Thank you very very much, and sorry not to have found this typing error before to upload it.
    73 44 Augusto HB9TZA / I2JJR

    Manfred Meier


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