Hello Manfred,
Sorrily there is an Error in the last uploaded Log :
#00145677 24/05/2023 14/05/2023 HBFF-0130 HB0/PE5TT/P 286 PE5TT @ HBFF-0130 20230514.ADI
As you may read in the following message by Lars PH0NO, copied here, the uploaded one is missing other two operator’s QSO with the same Station_Callsign.
The log enclosed in that message is named PE5TT@HBFF-0130_20230614_2.ADI .
A question: should this issue be handled as an Error-in-log, or may I simply upload it as log #2 with name corrected to ” PE5TT @ HBFF-0130 20230514-2.adi “?
Please let me know : if so I’ll upload it directly; otherwise is to you to correct it, sorrily.
I post this on the Forum, but there I do not know how to enclose the missing log part#2 ; so I also send you this as an email message enclosiong the missing log. 73 44, Augusto HB9TZA
Msg from Lars:
… Checking the uploaded files I saw one peculiar thing with the last log (130). The number of QSOs was too low.
Comparing the adif log file with the logbook I saw I made a mistake with exporting only the QSOs I made (operator PH0NO). …. So please find attached part 2 for HBFF-0130 with operators Marcel & Marcel (no dupes, only the missing QSOs). …
This topic was modified 1 year, 9 months ago by