Incorrect Activator Call sign in 3 logs

World Wide Flora & Fauna in Amateur Radio Forums WWFF HelpDesk Log Corrections Incorrect Activator Call sign in 3 logs

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  • #6886

    There are 3 logs that need the activators call sign corrected.
    07/31/17 07/10/16 KFF-3308 K8XOX -Should Be K8VOX
    07/31/17 07/28/16 KFF-0766 K8XOX -Should Be K8VOX
    07/31/17 07/14/16 KFF-0714 K8XOX -Should Be K8VOX

    Please & Thank You!
    Gene Bunner – AC8RH
    Regional Manager for Region 8 USA KFF Parks On The Air

    Manfred Meier

    is changed

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