K0BAK incorrect refrence/P2P, incorrectly attributed activation

World Wide Flora & Fauna in Amateur Radio Forums WWFF HelpDesk Log Corrections K0BAK incorrect refrence/P2P, incorrectly attributed activation

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    Email from K0BAK:

    1) One contact should have been a P2P, but instead was logged with the other park as my park.


    <STATION_CALLSIGN:5>K0BAK <QSO_DATE:8>20160806 <TIME_ON:6>171600 <MY_SIG:4>WWFF <MY_SIG_INFO:8>KFF-0744 <CALL:4>N1FD <BAND:3>40M <MODE:3>SSB <EOR>


    2) This one is a lot weirder:

    The WWFF Logsearch Activity list shows an activation of KFF-0664 on 1/17/2016 with 83 contacts. KFF-0664 is in Idaho, so obviously I didn’t do that one. I did activate 4 NPOTA parks that day in Northeast Pennsylvania, but none with 83 contacts. WWFF shows 5 activations that day, but I only did the 4.

    I’ve failed to find a simple explanation for this error, either by comparing total QSO counts in other parks, or by looking in the large NPOTA log I sent you this year for all 2016 activations. Is it possible someone was activating KFF-0664 that same day (1/17/2016) but somehow my callsign got linked as the activator? I wouldn’t want the other activator to lose those contacts.

    KFF-0664 shows up 3 other times in my 2016 submitted log, but only as park-to-park contacts when I was in 3 separate parks in 3 separate months.

    I have confirmed that no KFF-0664 activations were contained in the NPOTA logs that I uploaded for K0BAK, and there are no archived cluster spots on DXFuncluster for KFF-0664 on that date.

    -Jim NU0C

    • This topic was modified 7 years, 4 months ago by NU0C.


    Kindly provide and update. Thanks.

    73/44 de Jeff – KB3ZUK

    Manfred Meier

    Hello together, the first issue has been changed

    about the second one:
    there exists an upload for KFF-0664 done by W3AAX containing 83 contacts

    if you can tell me, who was the real operator for this activity I can change it

    KFF-0664 K0BAK@KFF-0664 2016-01-17.adi K0BAK 2016-01-17 2016-01-17 2016-04-04 W3AAX 7145183 7145265 83

    if not, I can only delete it

    73, Manfred


    Thank you Manfred. The first archived spots I see on DXFuncluster for NPOTA RS01 (KFF-0664) are from March 2016 and after, which sounds reasonable for snowy Idaho. I worked 8 unique NPOTAs that day so figuring out the correct reference from spots is not likely. The only way to solve this mystery may be to contact one of the ops in the log and ask who they worked. 🙂



    Manfred Meier

    Hi, I´ve sent you in separate mail the log from KFF-0664 from K0BAK which was uploaded. Maybe you can check and detect the error, if not can set the contacts only to invalid.


    Manfred, thank you for continuing to work on this. At Jim’s suggestion, I wrote to the first two contacts in that log since those operators are familiar to me. I’m hoping their logs may help solve this mystery. I’ll contact you when they get back to me.

    — Pete K0BAK


    Happy Christmas Eve, Manfred.

    After getting replies from chasers, I still can’t explain how these QSOs were created, though I’m now convinced they do not belong to any other activator either.

    Please remove these 83 contacts at KFF-0664 (only) on 1/17/2016. [Note that I have other legitimate contacts on that date from 4 other parks.] No hurry at all!

    — Pete K0BAK

    Manfred Meier

    QSO-status has been set to deleted for those 83 contacts,
    73, Manfred

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