No accreditation for activations

World Wide Flora & Fauna in Amateur Radio Forums WWFF HelpDesk Award issues No accreditation for activations

  • This topic has 3 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 7 years ago by Paul.
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  • #5605

    I have requested this be looked at before now on 2 occasions and at this time I have had no correspondence of explanation from anyone. So again I am trying to get to the bottom of why I am not being accredited with past activations of various dxcc ( vk9mm, vk9wm, vk9ct, vk9la, vk9ld, vk9xo etc ). I was instructed to submit the logs as people wanted confirmations which I did. Most of these logs are paper logs so it would have been a major job uploading the complete logs……….. so again I want to know why I am not being accredited with all of my activations


    Hi Bill,

    Rule 3.1 of the global WWFF rules is very clear:-

    “The WWFF program commenced in November 2012. However,
    qualifying logs from activations preceding this date can be provided for upload to Logsearch dating back to 30th June 2008”.

    Version 5.0 of the WWFF rules was released on 1st December 2016. Rule 3.1 is contained within those rules and came into effect on that date.

    Any logs in the system prior to this date will remain there.


    Paul VK5PAS.


    Thanks Paul.
    All my logs were submitted under instruction from Danny and Andrew before the end of November for that very reason. If the logs are good for chasers to claim then the activators must be given credit as well. If not then I want them logs removed. There is no way that they should stay in the system if I can not get the accreditation when chasers get it…… that is utter bull shit at best. As instructed by you I will now send a direct email to Andrew and copy it to you and Danny as requested.


    Hi Bill,

    As an activator, you should be credited with those parks, as that rule only came into place on 1st December 2016.

    As you have had no reply here from Andrew, please send him an email and cc Danny and I in.

    I will ensure this issue is resolved.


    Paul VK5PAS.

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