Not able to apply for a new Award

World Wide Flora & Fauna in Amateur Radio Forums WWFF HelpDesk Not able to apply for a new Award

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  • #14380

    I’m not able to apply for WWFF -H-14544 although I have over 14550 park confirmed.
    Also the same with VKFF-10 where I have confirmed 11 parks.
    Is there anything wrong with my login or what?

    73 de Lennart SM5CBN

    Andrew M0YMA

    Please see the news article posted on 6th March

    Changes to WWFF Awards

    Effective from that date, WWFF-H hunter awards are issued:

    * Entry level at 10 references worked or points earned (unchanged)
    * Between 44 and 444, in steps of 44 (unchanged)
    * Between 444 and 4444, in steps of 100 (unchanged)
    * Between 4,444 and 8,444, in steps of 200
    * Above 8,444, in steps of 400

    You have the 14,444 award – your next award will be 14,844

    The roll-over text on the WWFF-H award needs correcting…

    • This reply was modified 10 months, 1 week ago by Andrew M0YMA.
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