ON4VT, please explain your comment!

World Wide Flora & Fauna in Amateur Radio Forums National Programs & Awards ON4VT, please explain your comment!


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  • #8028
    Pit YO3JW

    “Danny Van Tricht Rather simple : decissions are made in the WWFF-team. Never one person can make a decission. We discuss it, and take a final consensus. Often object of this decissions/discussions come from what we get as feedback in the WWFF Forum.”
    After this information I looked in FORUM and don’t find any feedback!
    May you have a special place where you receive feedback from us?
    Let have more infos about it!
    Can you Danny present the decision of WWFF team where they do to take off YOFF from WWFF?
    As I can see you (Danny, ON4VT) can modify the info from site and Facebook without any approval from WWFF team.
    It is not political or religious matter!
    Pit YO3JW

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