refuse to upload log due “Illegal hunter CALL “

World Wide Flora & Fauna in Amateur Radio Forums WWFF HelpDesk Log Corrections refuse to upload log due “Illegal hunter CALL “

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  • #11834

    Hi there to all..
    have a problem here with uploadig a log…
    it refuse the upload ….
    and gives this report… all qso in log are genuine and calls are ordinary ..also log qwner is a skiled and experienced Ham operator Fora mWCA,Sota activator…with no doubs…
    The repor of Logsearch upload gies me this report…
    what this mean…?? I repeat calls are ok… qso too…
    ” Illegal hunter CALL PA0B” what this mean??

    here is what is shown when upload the S51RU log

    “Log Upload
    Uploading: S51RU @ S5FF-0020 20211204.ADI
    … Reference: S5FF-0020 (manual)
    … Station: auto (auto)
    … Operator: auto (auto)

    Pass 1… checking log
    [OK] EOH detected

    [ERROR] 20211204:133600 on 30M/CW between S51RU/P (S51RU) @ S5FF-0020 and DK1WI——> Illegal hunter CALL DK1WI

    [ERROR] 20211204:141400 on 20M/CW between S51RU/P (S51RU) @ S5FF-0020 and PA0B——> Illegal hunter CALL PA0B

    End of File… 121 of 123 QSOs valid
    … please correct logfile then resubmit.

    [ERROR] Logfile NOT uploaded”

    Tnx for help & tips and solution

    73 & 44
    Regards from S5 land
    S55G Mike
    S5FF Coordinator

    Manfred Meier

    can you send me the log, will check


    did you recive email with log ?? Have you time to chek it yet??
    What is wrong ??


    It possible that is th problem is by using the specific .I receive two log from different operators with same log both have issues with refuse klog upload -.illegal huter etc… as stated in previus posts… meanwhile I personaly use N1MM contest logging program with adif export and it no problem at all… can someone verify this…ossue and report with how to…solve… have here few log from Fastlog with same problems…

    from their log (head)
    Exported by WWFF CSV Log Editor Copyright (c) 2011-2021 by Stewart Wilkinson (G0LGS)
    <PROGRAMID:19>WWFF CSV Log Editor


    Even inporting to N1mm and exportin again didnt. work…
    so wondering how to solve…

    Manfred Meier

    please give me more time, will check, log is received

    Manfred Meier

    Hi, there are two errors

    at record DK1WI

    this indicates that the call behind is 7 letters long, however DK1WI has only 5 letters, so must be

    next one is the same

    this indicates that the call is 6 letters long, however has only 4 digits
    must be


    I generally recommend to use a good program for creating the log file which would be for example:
    which is freeware
    73, Manfred

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