SM7FSK Typo Errors 2012-2013

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  • #7533


    After going throug all my logs a 3rd time I have found a lots of typo/reading errors.
    Starting with the few from 2012/2013

    Please tell me if this is a good format to send you the QSO-data.

    20121117 1048 SM5MVF/M Should be SM5NVF/M SMFF-4822
    20130419 1130 RA1AEE/QRP Should be RA1AEI/QRP SMFF-5023
    20130517 1105 SM5BCN/QRP Should be SM5CBN/P SMFF-3219

    For 2014 – 2017 there will be bigger numbers of errors.

    73/44 Peter

    Manfred Meier

    is changed
    Manfred DF6EX

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