“Top Operators” Oddity

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  • #10428

    If I search in “Top Operators” 2020, VKFF
    I only appear in the Hunter column. I should appear in the Activator columns also, because I have been active this year despite the multitude of disasters that have made getting out difficult.

    I’ve checked at least three times over some months and not worked out why I don’t appear – I have been credited WWFF Activator Points which means that the database has records of my activity.
    I realise that this sort of error could be very difficult to track down, so if anyone else finds something similar, I think it would help the database admin if any other errors were reported, to help find how the database queries are missing activators.

    Andrew M0YMA

    Hi Liz

    You’re a statistical anomaly ๐Ÿ™‚ And I know the answer…

    So far, for 2020, you have two activities on the system:

    • VKFF-1909 with 45 QSOs
    • VKFF-0554 with 2 QSOs

    You need two qualified references to appear on Top Operators as an Activator ๐Ÿ™

    You do appear in the All Time page…


    Thankyou for the explanation. It doesn’t exactly fit with those operators who have operated from three references but not reached the quota of 44 in any of them appearing in the list.
    I wait to see if my latest effort puts me on the list this week ๐Ÿ˜€

    Andrew M0YMA


    That’s how it is supposed to work. But you are right…

    Logged in the Issue Tracker (isse #64) for investigation

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 5 months ago by Andrew M0YMA.
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