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    Depart home qth May 13th at 23.00utc. For the next 18 days I will be travelling to SW QLD ( VK4 ) and also some NW NSW ( VK2 ). During this time I will be activating the following parks : VKFF 0127, 0275, 1193, 0488, 0462,0125 and 0124. I will predominently operate CW mode ( my preferred mode ) to maximise band conditions. I am happy to qrs when required. I expect to overnight in some of these parks where possible. I believe that pretty well all of these parks will have zero internet let alone mobile phone coverage so I would really appreciate being spotted….. de VK4FW


    Sadly I am back home after some disastrous consequences. Firstly I made the decision to take one of my ic7000 seeing as I was mobile over some 3500km ( atleast that was the plan )rather than take my trusty K3 which I normally operate with. So my best made plans fell into a heap so I returned home grabbed the K3 and went out again. Meantime had some great rain out in the bush which literally closed a few parks I was planning to operate in. When I finally got on air from an actual park I gusty old wind decided it liked my 2 ele 20m yagi so it came crashing down. Conditions were RS so I decided to abort and come home. Frankly I am somewhat gutted.

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