WA2USA – Reissue of Awards

World Wide Flora & Fauna in Amateur Radio Forums WWFF HelpDesk WA2USA – Reissue of Awards

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  • #9382
    Dennis (WA2USA)

    Is it possible to have the following 3 awards reissued? I have misplaced the files and would very much like to have them reissued.

    Best 73/44 Dennis – WA2USA

    WWFF-A-22 Mixed Mixed All-Time WA2USA WWFF-A-22__100136 2017-12-25
    DXFF-A-3 Mixed Mixed All-Time WA2USA DXFF-A-3__100104 2017-12-01
    NA:CFF-H-42 Mixed Mixed All-Time WA2USA NA:CFF-H-42__100030 2017-11-17

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